Meditation, perhaps once-radical, is now virtually mainstream. People all over the world practice meditation to calm the mind and de-stress the body. A 2012 national research study reported that 8 percent of U.S. adults, 18 million people, used meditation. The popularity and accessibility of meditation continues to soar.

The positive effects meditation has on physical health, emotional well-being, and high performance is not exclusive to individuals. Corporations, schools, and hospitals have brought meditation into the fold for stress release and mindfulness. Competitive athletes, artists, and musicians use meditation for present moment awareness. The masses have begun to sit up and take notice of the benefits of meditation.

Meditation is one of the most effective ways to:

  • Reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Enhance emotional balance and positive experiences.
  • Increase longevity and studies are beginning to look at its effect on immunity.
  • Improve brain functioning.

The following are four lessons to help you meditate more easily, maximize your meditation benefits, and become an experienced meditator.

Read the full article in the Chopra Center Lifestyle blog.